Register your Pressbooks Network as an LTI Tool

In this chapter, we outline how to register your Pressbooks network as an LTI tool in each supported LMS: Canvas, Moodle, Blackboard, and D2L Brightspace.


In Canvas

    1. Log into your Canvas account as an administrator and visit Admin > Site Admin > Developer Keys.
    2. In the top-right, click the + Developer Key button and select + LTI Registration.
      "+ LTI Registration" in the "+ Developer Key" dropdown menu.
    3. In the Dynamic Registration URL field, input the following URL:
      https://[PRESSBOOKS DOMAIN]/format/lti/registration
    4. Click Continue.
    5. You will see the following message:  "You are about to register a Pressbooks network as a new LTI tool. Click the register button below to confirm:"
    6. Click Register and you should see a success message noting that to use this tool registration, a network manager must activate the platform in Pressbooks.
    7. Click Close. You will be redirected to a view with settings for the App. Default settings in the Register App view.
    8. Select your desired permissions here. Selecting all is recommended. (Our LTI tool requests and makes use of three pieces of information: Canvas ID, user role, and email address. Email address is requested and used solely to avoid creating duplicate accounts for preexisting users upon their first use of the Pressbooks LTI tool.)
    9. For the Assignment selection placement, we recommend inputting the title Pressbooks Assignment Selector. Under Icon URL, you can input the value https://[PRESSBOOKS DOMAIN]/app/themes/pressbooks-book/dist/images/favicon-32×32.png (replacing the domain with the domain of your Pressbooks network) if you would like to use the Pressbooks icon.
    10. For the Link selection placement, we recommend inputting the title Pressbooks Content Selector. Under Icon URL, you can input the same value as above if you would like to use the Pressbooks icon. Assignment selection and Link selection placements.
    11. Click Enable & Close.
    12. Make sure the state of the tool is set to ON. Store the client ID value visible in the Details column of your new key for the next step.
      Client ID value visible in Canvas unter the 'Details' Column
      The Client ID value for an LTI 1.3 application (visible in Canvas under the ‘Details’ Column)
    13. Navigate to Settings in the left sidebar menu.
      • Click Settings > Apps > + App.
      • Choose By Client ID as configuration type and enter the Client ID of the Developer Key (from the previous step). Click Submit.
        Add an app menu from Canvas
        The location you should enter the Client ID of your LTI tool is shown above
      • Store and save your deployment ID for an upcoming step.
        Sample Deployment ID for an LTI 1.3 app configured in Canvas
        Sample Deployment ID for an LTI 1.3 app configured in Canvas

      In Pressbooks

      1. In Pressbooks, go to Network Admin > Integrations > LTI 1.3 Platforms. Network managers can access this page directly at https://[PRESSBOOKS DOMAIN]/wp/wp-admin/admin.php?page=pb_lti_platforms (replacing the domain with the domain of your Pressbooks network)
      2. You will see an LTI Platform automatically added for Canvas during dynamic registration at the previous step. Click the Edit link to modify it. Automatically added LTI Platform for Canvas.
      3. All form fields are complete except for the Deployment Id(s) field. Paste the deployment ID value that you saved here.The Deployment Id(s) field.
      4. Make sure to set the LTI Platform to Active.
        'Active' setting with checkbox selected.
      5.  Click Save Changes. The connection is now configured.



    In Moodle

      1. Log as an administrator and go to: Site Administration > Plugins > Manage tools
      2. In the Add Tool box, input the following tool URL:
        https://[PRESSBOOKS DOMAIN]/format/lti/registration
      3. Then, press the Add LTI Advantage button.
      4. You will see the following message:
        "You are about to register a Pressbooks network as a new LTI tool. Click the register button below to confirm:"
      5. Click Register and you should see a success message noting that to use this tool registration, a network manager must activate the platform in Pressbooks.
      6. Click Close and you will be returned to the ‘Manage Tools’ page.
      7. While still in Moodle, you also need to activate the newly added LTI tool. You will see the tool on the ‘Manage Tools’ page (with your Pressbooks network URL in the description):
      8. Click the Activate button.

    In Pressbooks

    1. In Pressbooks, go to: Administer Network > Integrations > LTI 1.3 Platforms. Alternatively, network managers can access this page directly at
      https://[PRESSBOOKS DOMAIN]/wp/wp-admin/network/admin.php?page=pb_lti_platforms
    2. You will see a new entry for your Moodle instance. Hover your cursor over it and click Edit.
    3. Check the Active checkbox.
    4. Click Save Changes. The connection is now configured.



    Note: To configure Pressbooks as an LTI 1.3/Advantage tool with Blackboard, you will need a Client ID value, which will be provided by Pressbooks support staff. Contact premium support to receive this value if you do not already have it.

    In Blackboard

      1. In Blackboard, click System Admin > LTI Tool Providers > Register LTI 1.3 Tool. Enter the [Client ID] value provided by Pressbooks support staff and click ‘Submit’
      2. Copy the Deployment ID value for the newly registered tool. You will need this value to complete tool registration in Pressbooks. A sample value is shown below (you should use the value created in your Blackboard instance).
      3. Make sure the following values are selected:
        • Tool Status: Approved
        • User Fields to Send: Check Role in Course, Name, Email Address.
        • Allow Membership Service Access: Yes
      4. Click Submit

    In Pressbooks

    1. In Pressbooks, go to: Administer Network > Integrations > LTI 1.3 Platforms. Alternatively, network managers can access this page directly at
      https://[PRESSBOOKS DOMAIN]/wp/wp-admin/network/admin.php?page=pb_lti_platforms
    2. You will see a new entry for your Blackboard instance. Hover your cursor over it and click Edit.
    3. Paste the Deployment ID value from the previous step in Blackboard into the Deployment Id(s) field.
    4. Ensure the checkbox for Active is checked.
    5. Click Save Changes. The connection is now configured.


D2L Brightspace

In Brightspace

    1. Navigate to the cogwheel icon in the top-right corner (‘Admin Tools’) and under ‘Organization related’ select Manage extensibility.
    2. Click LTI Advantage.
    3. Click the Register Tool button.
    4. Select the Dynamic option.
    5. In Tool initiation registration endpoint paste the following value: https://[PRESSBOOKS DOMAIN]/format/lti/registration
    6. Check the Configure Deployment box.
    7. Click Register.
    8. You will see the following message:  "You are about to register a Pressbooks network as a new LTI tool. Click the register button below to confirm:"
    9. Click Register and you should see a success message noting that to use this tool registration, a network manager must activate the platform in Pressbooks.
    10. Click Close and you will be returned to the list of LTI Advantage tools registered in Brightspace.
    11. Click the link to your newly added tool. Set it to Enabled and click the Save button.
    12. Click the View Deployments link at the bottom of the page (just above the Save button).
    13. Click the link to the (automatically added) deployment for your LTI tool.
    14. Under Security Settings, enable the following settings: Org Unit Information, User Information, Name, Email, User ID, Username, Org Defined Id, Link Information, Title, Description.
      Screenshot of enabled D2L security settings as listed in the text of this chapter.
    15. Under Configuration Settings, enable the following settings: Grades created by LTI will be included in Final Grade, Auto Create Grade Items.
      Screenshot of enabled D2L configuration settings as listed in the text of this chapter.
    16. At the bottom of the page, click Save and Close. The connection is now configured.

In Pressbooks

  1. In Pressbooks, go to: Administer Network > Integrations > LTI 1.3 Platforms. Alternatively, network managers can access this page directly at
    https://[PRESSBOOKS DOMAIN]/wp/wp-admin/network/admin.php?page=pb_lti_platforms
  2. You will see a new entry for your Brightspace/D2L instance. Hover your cursor over it and click Edit.
  3. Check the Active checkbox.
  4. Click Save Changes. The connection is now configured.


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The Pressbooks Network Manager's Guide Copyright © 2024 by Pressbooks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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